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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Did Neil Armstrong actually land on the moon?

This is an extremely big question asked by people all over the world, Did man actually walk on moon? I have been researching video's on youtube, until today i thought man 100% did land on the moon but now i think otherwise. It is a proven fact that just over 20% of Americans don't think that man walked on moon, why? You ask, well i am going to tell you. Back in 1969 Neil Armstrong was apparently landing on the moon but in the 1990's some very intelligent scientists were looking back on the moon landing trying to see how it was so possible when they found a number of mistakes that nobody had noticed before. The main mistake that pointed out at me was that when they were placing the American flag down on the moons surface, the flag was blowing but there was no atmosphere on the moon. Everybody knows that they saw the rocket go into space with the astronauts in it, but  apparently they went into space and orbited the earth for 8 days while there was actors making the moon landing film on earth in a place called area 51,when scientists were looking at the moon landing the moon looked very very similar to area 51 where the actors in their spacesuits shot the moon landing. Another huge mistake of the apparent moon landing was that, in the background  there were no stars in the sky, there are a lot more mistakes in the moon landing but i'd recommend you to go watch some of the youtube videos about this to get a lot more information. Was the moon landing faked....nasa deny everything that the scientists say about the moon landing being faked. I did not mean to offend anybody in this but i just think that it is very interesting, let me know your thoughts in the comments below the text!

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